
manager told me to fuck off in front of my coworkers

I’m a server at a high end trendy restaurant in a major city. Last night one of my coworkers, who is an alcoholic, somehow got her hands on some drinks and ended up shitfaced falling around while trying to serve tables. The rest of the night was a mess. One of the bartenders had to take over her tables and me and a hostess took her downstairs to the locker room to try to get her to sober up. She had been acting off all night and the manager who was downstairs had to have known…we all knew she was drunk theres no way he didnt. He’s technically the assistant manager so he leaves earlier than our other manager. The head manager was upstairs when all this happened. The restaurant was packed and things happened so fast we didnt know what to do. We ended up calling her boyfriend and…

I’m a server at a high end trendy restaurant in a major city. Last night one of my coworkers, who is an alcoholic, somehow got her hands on some drinks and ended up shitfaced falling around while trying to serve tables. The rest of the night was a mess. One of the bartenders had to take over her tables and me and a hostess took her downstairs to the locker room to try to get her to sober up. She had been acting off all night and the manager who was downstairs had to have known…we all knew she was drunk theres no way he didnt. He’s technically the assistant manager so he leaves earlier than our other manager. The head manager was upstairs when all this happened. The restaurant was packed and things happened so fast we didnt know what to do. We ended up calling her boyfriend and he came and picked her up…anyways. Today she was supposed to work the brunch shift. There is 150 covers split between three people, including me. I overheard my manager talking to the other server working it saying there was only going to be the two of us because she was obviously getting fired. Thats a lot of covers for two people who are expected to maintain a certain level of service. I go up to him last night and ask what was going on tomorrow. He immediately starts yelling and when i said “no don’t talk to me like that do not yell at me” he went “what are you going to do call off? stay home then if you can’t handle it I don’t need you or your attitude” and walks away while yelling fuck off. This was in front of all my coworkers.
I am so emotionally exhausted from last night. I had to take care of this girl because my managers werent around and then I was told to fuck off by my manager for asking a question. I need the money. I cant quit. Fuck everything.

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