
Boss wants all of our department staff to do two jobs at once.

Hi guys, just looking for a little clarity so my temper doesn’t get the best of me. At my current job, we got a new manager. This manager, when there is no coverage, wants us to do both of the jobs at the same time. We work in a catering/banquet, so if service staff calls out, we are the ones responsible to cover it. Now mind you, we get paid the same rate as if we are only working one job. We are responsible for service, clean up, and the dishes, (all servers jobs), plus the clean up of the kitchen, and all the cooking of the food when we do both. The manager will not budge, has gotten really rude about it, and we are getting burnt out because it’s 4+ days a week that this happens. We are getting livid that nothing is done to the workers that…

Hi guys, just looking for a little clarity so my temper doesn’t get the best of me.

At my current job, we got a new manager. This manager, when there is no coverage, wants us to do both of the jobs at the same time. We work in a catering/banquet, so if service staff calls out, we are the ones responsible to cover it. Now mind you, we get paid the same rate as if we are only working one job. We are responsible for service, clean up, and the dishes, (all servers jobs), plus the clean up of the kitchen, and all the cooking of the food when we do both. The manager will not budge, has gotten really rude about it, and we are getting burnt out because it’s 4+ days a week that this happens. We are getting livid that nothing is done to the workers that are calling out/quitting, and having to do two jobs.

So my question is, would it be wrong of us to ask for more money? Or to put our foot down and say no more? I don’t want to go into this guns blazing but also, it’s not our responsibility to pick up the slack for half of our department. We have plenty of our own shit to do. At this point, I think it’s bordering on abuse of power. We have spoken to her before about this but we always get threatened with write ups/firing if we question what she’s making us do. I don’t want to be fired but I can’t keep going on like this. My 8 hour days are turning into 10-12 hours and I’m TIRED.

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