
The constantly increasing work pressure is turning people into empty husks. It is making people and society sick

A Bachelors or Masters in the 60s was probably only 1/3 the amount of learning and work you need to get the same degree now. A job 50 years ago was probably half as stressfull as now. But with Emails/Laptops/Phones you are expected to be avaliable 24/7. Things that took hours or days 40 years ago are now expected to be done within minutes. The requirments and stress and pressure of work has been increasing since decades and its turning people into empty husks. When I didnt work or only part time I used to read/cook/clean/train/go out etc. Now? 2/3 of your non sleeping time from Monday – Friday is sucked up by work and the things around it like commuting. On the weekends I just do the bare minimum and mostly relax and regenerate so that I can survive the next 5 days. This month I have 20 hours…

A Bachelors or Masters in the 60s was probably only 1/3 the amount of learning and work you need to get the same degree now.

A job 50 years ago was probably half as stressfull as now. But with Emails/Laptops/Phones you are expected to be avaliable 24/7.

Things that took hours or days 40 years ago are now expected to be done within minutes.

The requirments and stress and pressure of work has been increasing since decades and its turning people into empty husks.

When I didnt work or only part time I used to read/cook/clean/train/go out etc. Now? 2/3 of your non sleeping time from Monday – Friday is sucked up by work and the things around it like commuting.

On the weekends I just do the bare minimum and mostly relax and regenerate so that I can survive the next 5 days. This month I have 20 hours of overtime. Some people I know make over 100 in some months.

Its making people agressive and sick. No wonder mental health is the worse it has been in decades.

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