
First wage claim – what to expect?

I got a new job and was asked to start much sooner than expected. I notified my employer on 1/26 and they took that as my immediate resignation. No big deal because I only had a couple days before starting my new job. I was told I would receive my final paycheck on 1/28. It is now 72 hours past my resignation date and I have not received payment. I contacted my ex-management about this and at first I was told there was nothing they could do and “it’s out of my control”. I have contacted multiple departments regarding this and all have been silent. I warned my manager that if they can’t update me on my final paycheck I would have to file a claim against them. The response I got back was “do what ever you deem appropriate”. I have filed an unpaid wage claim against them and…

I got a new job and was asked to start much sooner than expected. I notified my employer on 1/26 and they took that as my immediate resignation. No big deal because I only had a couple days before starting my new job. I was told I would receive my final paycheck on 1/28. It is now 72 hours past my resignation date and I have not received payment.

I contacted my ex-management about this and at first I was told there was nothing they could do and “it’s out of my control”. I have contacted multiple departments regarding this and all have been silent. I warned my manager that if they can’t update me on my final paycheck I would have to file a claim against them. The response I got back was “do what ever you deem appropriate”.

I have filed an unpaid wage claim against them and now I wait. What should I expect? Probability of success? Tips/things I should know?

For context this is in California.

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