
Saw my ex-boss on one of those obnoxious reality shows about rich people

My friend came over and put on one of those reality shows where they follow rich people around (I don’t know the name of it, there are so many and I’m not a fan.) I was talking to her and watching simultaneously because it was featuring a party of wealthy people and their weird outfits (I admit I thought some of the outfits were fun) when lo and behold, I saw my ex-boss there at the party. He’s married to a famous designer, so it made sense he’d be there but it still really disgusted me to see him. I always knew he had a lavish lifestyle (I saw his home featured in a magazine, he’s been a guest speaker on the news several times, he’s an “influencer” (barf) etc.) so working for him had often been a humiliating experience. He paid minimum wage (or below, if it was temp…

My friend came over and put on one of those reality shows where they follow rich people around (I don’t know the name of it, there are so many and I’m not a fan.)

I was talking to her and watching simultaneously because it was featuring a party of wealthy people and their weird outfits (I admit I thought some of the outfits were fun) when lo and behold, I saw my ex-boss there at the party. He’s married to a famous designer, so it made sense he’d be there but it still really disgusted me to see him. I always knew he had a lavish lifestyle (I saw his home featured in a magazine, he’s been a guest speaker on the news several times, he’s an “influencer” (barf) etc.) so working for him had often been a humiliating experience. He paid minimum wage (or below, if it was temp work) and made me clean and do other things that were not part of the job description. He was rude and belittling to his staff. His business has like 4.7 stars on Yelp and he’d lose it if he got bad reviews. He acted like we were all trash who should have been amazingly grateful for the chance to work for him. The Indeed for his company was like 1.5 stars which he clearly never cared about.

On top of it, the payroll AND management departments had made a mistake with my vacation pay back in 2020. They basically approved and scheduled my vacation, and then told me AFTERWARDS when it was missing that it was a mistake and I wasn’t entitled to the $900 vacation pay I thought I had. At the time that was what I needed for my part of the rent. I reached out to him personally and he ignored me (he never did so before when it was work-related). That money was everything for me and nothing for him. I ended up only getting the money a year later when I reported the company to the Department of Labor. At the time I needed it, it was extremely fortunate that that’s when we had stimulus checks.

That man couldn’t be bothered to help me and correct his own company’s mistake after years of me going out of the way for him, yet here he is still living his lavish lifestyle. Bastard.

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