
Wage discussion win!

I recently reconnected with a former coworker of mine. I left my position after 5.5yrs of working at the company where I had been repeatedly promised a promotion but never received it. I also hit a wall in my salary negotiations. The last conversation I had with them was in 2020 when after a year of record numbers they offered me a 2% raise conditional on me signing a draconian non compete and non disclosure agreement. I lawyered up and negotiated changed verbiage in the contracts and a bonus agreement but began my hunt for a new position. I found one and jumped ship with one bonus check under my belt. So to get back to my former colleague; she hit me up and asked how I was liking my new position. I found out that she had taken over my old roll. I asked her, with the caveat that…

I recently reconnected with a former coworker of mine. I left my position after 5.5yrs of working at the company where I had been repeatedly promised a promotion but never received it. I also hit a wall in my salary negotiations. The last conversation I had with them was in 2020 when after a year of record numbers they offered me a 2% raise conditional on me signing a draconian non compete and non disclosure agreement. I lawyered up and negotiated changed verbiage in the contracts and a bonus agreement but began my hunt for a new position. I found one and jumped ship with one bonus check under my belt.

So to get back to my former colleague; she hit me up and asked how I was liking my new position. I found out that she had taken over my old roll. I asked her, with the caveat that I was asking put else out of the interest in wage transparency, what she was being paid for my old roll. Turns out she’s making about $5k less than I was making after 5.5yrs of salary negotiations in 1.5yrs of working at the company. I’m happy for her because it took me so long to hit that point and now she has ammo for her next salary negotiation.

Tldr: share your salaries with your ex colleagues. Never let someone get left behind. One for all and all for one.

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