
Sending recorded videos to jobs…?!?

Am I the only one massively annoyed when before even seeing or talking to a freaking human ….jobs are asking you to make a video of yourself to submit to them! And it’s not like it’s a media related job, its a regular damn office job!! Why the fuck is this becoming more of a thing!!! I already sat and did your tedious application. This is unnecessary and honestly feels invasive. I don’t like the idea of some company keeping that kind of data on hand.

Am I the only one massively annoyed when before even seeing or talking to a freaking human ….jobs are asking you to make a video of yourself to submit to them! And it’s not like it’s a media related job, its a regular damn office job!!

Why the fuck is this becoming more of a thing!!! I already sat and did your tedious application. This is unnecessary and honestly feels invasive. I don’t like the idea of some company keeping that kind of data on hand.

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