
You will be obsolete

As someone who has experienced both blue-collar and tech jobs, I have seen firsthand how layoffs can profoundly impact workers. My transition from blue-collar work to technology was motivated by the hope of avoiding the instability and uncertainty that came with frequent layoffs. However, as I have come to learn, no industry is immune to the forces of change, and the tech sector is no exception. In recent years, society has sold technology as the promised land, a sector that would be immune to the forces that plagued other industries, including offshoring and automation. This idea was reinforced by the rapid growth of the tech industry, which created new jobs faster than other sectors. However, recent layoffs have shattered that illusion and shown that the tech industry is not immune to the forces of change. The current round of layoffs in the tech sector is driven mainly by the rapid…

As someone who has experienced both blue-collar and tech jobs, I have seen firsthand how layoffs can profoundly impact workers. My transition from blue-collar work to technology was motivated by the hope of avoiding the instability and uncertainty that came with frequent layoffs. However, as I have come to learn, no industry is immune to the forces of change, and the tech sector is no exception.

In recent years, society has sold technology as the promised land, a sector that would be immune to the forces that plagued other industries, including offshoring and automation. This idea was reinforced by the rapid growth of the tech industry, which created new jobs faster than other sectors. However, recent layoffs have shattered that illusion and shown that the tech industry is not immune to the forces of change.

The current round of layoffs in the tech sector is driven mainly by the rapid expansion of workforces during the pandemic and the economic turmoil created by the response to it. Companies that had taken on new hires in the early days of the pandemic are now facing financial challenges, and as a result, many of those workers are being laid off. However, this is just the beginning of the story.

The threat of automation and AI is a much larger concern. As these technologies become more advanced and more pervasive, jobs that were once thought to be secure will become less so. In fact, many jobs will cease to exist. The future will be run by machines, and many of us will be automated into irrelevance faster than we can adapt. The phrase “learn to code” is no longer a guarantee of job security.

It is a sobering thought but one that must be considered as we look to the future. What will happen to us when our jobs are replaced by machines? How will we support ourselves and our families? These are questions that we must begin to answer now before it is too late. The future is uncertain, but we must be prepared for what lies ahead.

I'm thankful to still be employed, but God I wish my security wasn't founded on the whims of someone else.

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