
My life why should I quit when I can fire you.

So this happened back in ought 2, ought 3. I got me some work as a roofer for a few months, I was pretty much just getting paid from the neck down. The owner was a shitty boss that would cut corners, and when it failed, he would blame me for it. So, I decided to switch my career to fighting forest fires. Witch has absolutely been one of the best jobs I ever had. The week I started training for my new career, I asked the boss if we could step into his office. Where I then proceeded to inform him that our employee, employer relationship is not working out like I had planned, and I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. I've found an employer to better suit my employment needs. He immediately through a fit and went into the you can't fire me because you're…

So this happened back in ought 2, ought 3. I got me some work as a roofer for a few months, I was pretty much just getting paid from the neck down. The owner was a shitty boss that would cut corners, and when it failed, he would blame me for it. So, I decided to switch my career to fighting forest fires. Witch has absolutely been one of the best jobs I ever had.

The week I started training for my new career, I asked the boss if we could step into his office. Where I then proceeded to inform him that our employee, employer relationship is not working out like I had planned, and I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. I've found an employer to better suit my employment needs.

He immediately through a fit and went into the you can't fire me because you're fired. So I said whatever pal and walked out laughing while he was all red in the face from through his tantrum. I'm not a quitter and don't plan on starting any time soon. It's all about perspective. And I'll do what makes me happy.

I hope this helps people to know what they're worth. It's your life. Why would you quit when you can fire someone. Hire the employer that best suits your needs. Because you are your boss. As an independent contractor you should know whats best for your business. Y'all are worth it. Act your wage.

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