
To Go In or Not

I have a few minutes before I’m breaking company policy, so I thought I’d get opinions and ask what to say. So, it is only a couple degrees above 0 where I am and will not be getting above 20 degrees today. I work inside, but the heat is barely functioning. There are large exhaust fans that routinely blow outside air into the building due to welding smoke, therefore it was about 50 in there during the afternoon. I don’t want to go in today, I’m already cold, I’m a middle aged woman, like seriously, the guys were complaining yesterday, how do you think I feel? So I want to call off today, not the best choice of action, but I’m not 100% prepared for that kind of cold either. So what should I do? What should I say? Thanks!

I have a few minutes before I’m breaking company policy, so I thought I’d get opinions and ask what to say. So, it is only a couple degrees above 0 where I am and will not be getting above 20 degrees today. I work inside, but the heat is barely functioning. There are large exhaust fans that routinely blow outside air into the building due to welding smoke, therefore it was about 50 in there during the afternoon. I don’t want to go in today, I’m already cold, I’m a middle aged woman, like seriously, the guys were complaining yesterday, how do you think I feel? So I want to call off today, not the best choice of action, but I’m not 100% prepared for that kind of cold either. So what should I do? What should I say? Thanks!

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