
The heavy hand Sparks revolution when it strikes a righteous face

If you want to crap all over your hardworking, earnest, and loyal employees who do everything right by you, but you still want to be a nickel pinching, whiny bastard, then it's what you get. If you want to be the kind of boss who is all stick and no carrot, and wants to lay all of your ire on the employee who is giving it they're all, then fuck you. My CEO holds to the adage that if you give an employee an inch they will take a mile. I can't say it's not always the case, but if you go in with this mindset by default, you are going to screw yourself. If you always assume the worst and think every employee is out to get you, then fuck you. P.s. I've had quite the day at work today if you couldn't tell. Lol

If you want to crap all over your hardworking, earnest, and loyal employees who do everything right by you, but you still want to be a nickel pinching, whiny bastard, then it's what you get.

If you want to be the kind of boss who is all stick and no carrot, and wants to lay all of your ire on the employee who is giving it they're all, then fuck you.

My CEO holds to the adage that if you give an employee an inch they will take a mile. I can't say it's not always the case, but if you go in with this mindset by default, you are going to screw yourself.

If you always assume the worst and think every employee is out to get you, then fuck you.

P.s. I've had quite the day at work today if you couldn't tell. Lol

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