
On-Call Insanity

I am in Pennsylvania and the laws here regarding exempt employees fucking suck. I manage a group home and I am paid 45,000/year. I love my job, I hate my employer. I don’t get paid past 40 therefore I extend the offer of overtime to my staff if they want it. Of course, the company is bitching because they don’t want to pay overtime. Pay your fucking managers fairly then! On top of that, I am on call 24/7 which is supposed to be for call offs/crisis episodes. I am being called every day, multiple times a day, about frivolous bullshit! Even on my off days. I ended up bringing this up to the entire management team and higher ups – the managers agreed, on call is being abused. Higher ups had nothing to say. Literally ignored it. I found an old policy for on call with the company and…

I am in Pennsylvania and the laws here regarding exempt employees fucking suck.

I manage a group home and I am paid 45,000/year. I love my job, I hate my employer.

I don’t get paid past 40 therefore I extend the offer of overtime to my staff if they want it. Of course, the company is bitching because they don’t want to pay overtime. Pay your fucking managers fairly then!

On top of that, I am on call 24/7 which is supposed to be for call offs/crisis episodes. I am being called every day, multiple times a day, about frivolous bullshit! Even on my off days. I ended up bringing this up to the entire management team and higher ups – the managers agreed, on call is being abused. Higher ups had nothing to say. Literally ignored it.

I found an old policy for on call with the company and asked if it was current (it drives home that on call is for emergencies). Crickets. So I printed it out and scanned a copy. Posted it on my office wall for my staff and just haven’t been responding during my off time if it’s not a call off/or it’s nonsense that can wait until I’m physically there.

Fuck them. I don’t get paid enough to be owned.

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