
Common illnesses such as a flu, cold, fever, etc. last multiple days and oftentimes weeks. Yet, there’s a stigma about calling in more than a day or two.

Rant: Started having flu like symptoms on Sunday night and called in in Monday. Boss wished me well and rescheduled our meetings to Tuesday. Felt obligated to work on Tuesday even though I was still not feeling well at all. It's Wed morning and I'm still dealing with body aches, chills, night sweats – but there is an unspoken notion that calling in is disruptive to business, and unfortunately it seems to be common in our society that using sick days is also akin to burning your pool of limited vacation days. Also it makes me think about those who's employers require a doctor's note. How are you supposed to manage visiting a doctors office when at times you're so Ill that physically seeing a doctor seems like an impossible task? Note: I do work remotely, so not putting colleagues at risk.

Rant: Started having flu like symptoms on Sunday night and called in in Monday. Boss wished me well and rescheduled our meetings to Tuesday. Felt obligated to work on Tuesday even though I was still not feeling well at all. It's Wed morning and I'm still dealing with body aches, chills, night sweats – but there is an unspoken notion that calling in is disruptive to business, and unfortunately it seems to be common in our society that using sick days is also akin to burning your pool of limited vacation days.

Also it makes me think about those who's employers require a doctor's note. How are you supposed to manage visiting a doctors office when at times you're so Ill that physically seeing a doctor seems like an impossible task?

Note: I do work remotely, so not putting colleagues at risk.

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