
Finally quit and told my boss to fuck himself.

I’ve been working for someone who has a real ‘you’re lucky to be working here” type of attitude. Always making people feel guilty if they don’t do overtime or stay later than when their shift ends if it’s busy. Well.. today, I had enough. My shift was supposed to finish at 1500 and by 1030 my boss was already telling me I HAD to stay on. I explained to him that I was unable to do so because I had prior arrangements. I then received a volley of insults telling me how useless I was and that I should be grateful to work there etc etc. He then turned to a some 60yo woman and said “Kids these days.. this one will never amount to much” and they both laughed. With that.. I saw absolute red. I told him in no uncertain terms that he is the biggest wanker and…

I’ve been working for someone who has a real ‘you’re lucky to be working here” type of attitude. Always making people feel guilty if they don’t do overtime or stay later than when their shift ends if it’s busy.

Well.. today, I had enough. My shift was supposed to finish at 1500 and by 1030 my boss was already telling me I HAD to stay on. I explained to him that I was unable to do so because I had prior arrangements.

I then received a volley of insults telling me how useless I was and that I should be grateful to work there etc etc. He then turned to a some 60yo woman and said “Kids these days.. this one will never amount to much” and they both laughed.

With that.. I saw absolute red. I told him in no uncertain terms that he is the biggest wanker and worst boss I’ve ever come across and that he will never amount to more than he is now.

Walked out of the store about an hour ago. Full with adrenaline!

Couldn’t be fucking happier!

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