
Put in a two weeks. Debating even staying that long.

I’ve been at my job for two years. I hadn’t had much issues until lately. I’ve been sick off and on since December. Colds, Covid, pneumonia, IBS, ovarian cysts, you name it. I just keep getting sick. Work told me to take off until i was negative so i did. I got sick again and thought the Covid came back, so i called off to test myself. Before they told me not to show up if i had symptoms even. I put in to get Monday off to take my mom for treatment. I also put in to get off for an OBGYN Appt. I have ovarian cysts and need ablation surgery for endometriosis. My mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and i told her I’d drive her. Well, work didn’t approve it due to “me missing so much”. They’re the ones that told me to stay home! A…

I’ve been at my job for two years. I hadn’t had much issues until lately. I’ve been sick off and on since December. Colds, Covid, pneumonia, IBS, ovarian cysts, you name it. I just keep getting sick.

Work told me to take off until i was negative so i did. I got sick again and thought the Covid came back, so i called off to test myself. Before they told me not to show up if i had symptoms even.

I put in to get Monday off to take my mom for treatment. I also put in to get off for an OBGYN Appt. I have ovarian cysts and need ablation surgery for endometriosis.

My mom has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and i told her I’d drive her. Well, work didn’t approve it due to “me missing so much”. They’re the ones that told me to stay home!

A few weeks ago i got the confirmation that i as accepted for a federal job, but it’s just a waiting game until i start. So i do have another job lined up at some point.

I out in a two weeks today because i was so irritated and angry. I’m not well mentally, or physically and now my mom has cancer and my work place wants to be “lol sorry it’s not approved, you’ll get pointed if you miss”.

Like I’ve got enough stress right now. I’m debating even staying the two weeks, because lord knows they were not courteous to me.

My supervisor is luckily nice and told me he understood, it’s the CFO that’s rude and demanding and was the one who didn’t approve my time off.

This is a smaller, family powered company that’s all “lol family matters” which is BS honestly.

Has anyone ever left ebfore their two weeks is up?
My only issue is finding another job or something for money until i start my new job

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