
Why the fuck is this necessary if I already work for you?

I enjoy work. I do. Real, meaningful hard work and seeing results. But I hate busy work, and even more than that, I fucking HATE working for other people. I hate all of it. Nearly every single thing. Of course I didn’t think or feel this way when I chose to be a teacher at 19-years-old, but that’s neither here nor there. I got a new job within the district I already work for, doing the same job that I’ve been doing for the last month (long story short, I was put in this new job as a temp but will now be permanent). I’ve been working there two years already and they want to contact references…dafuq??? Fine, whatever, but seriously what the dick is that for? They say it is a “formality.” Our HR department sucks donkey dick and constantly wastes everyone’s time for all sorts of shit, so…

I enjoy work. I do. Real, meaningful hard work and seeing results. But I hate busy work, and even more than that, I fucking HATE working for other people. I hate all of it. Nearly every single thing. Of course I didn’t think or feel this way when I chose to be a teacher at 19-years-old, but that’s neither here nor there.

I got a new job within the district I already work for, doing the same job that I’ve been doing for the last month (long story short, I was put in this new job as a temp but will now be permanent). I’ve been working there two years already and they want to contact references…dafuq??? Fine, whatever, but seriously what the dick is that for? They say it is a “formality.” Our HR department sucks donkey dick and constantly wastes everyone’s time for all sorts of shit, so it’s not super surprising. I just fucking hate bureaucracies and work related political bull shit, and wish I could just work on my own terms!!

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