
Besides quitting how do you deal with a boss who asks a question, cuts you off to scream then ask to continue just to scream again.

Quitting means I let them win. Not happening. High turn over rate job with high pay what can you do. I'll avoid the threats, harassment, the manipulation, the semi nice talk to immediately follow up with more yelling. 5 of 15 underling employees who run to the boss to report anything not joking any small thing. But the pay is nice so my money thick skin kicks in. And this is an adult job. But with adult children (not goofy fun adult children)

Quitting means I let them win. Not happening. High turn over rate job with high pay what can you do. I'll avoid the threats, harassment, the manipulation, the semi nice talk to immediately follow up with more yelling. 5 of 15 underling employees who run to the boss to report anything not joking any small thing. But the pay is nice so my money thick skin kicks in.

And this is an adult job. But with adult children (not goofy fun adult children)

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