
A Massachusetts bill has been proposed that would reduce prison sentences for the donation of organs or bone marrow.

Step one: Create a system of legal enslavement. Step two: criminalize poverty and promote systems that provide ample poverty stricken individuals. Step three: take their organs!?! WTAF. The Bill This is, literally, a punch to the gut and should be a huge red flag to every citizen of the USA that if we continue to allow our elected “representatives” to prioritize the corporations and the wealthy… that ever shrinking piece of the pie we're being given may be missing a kidney or an eye.

Step one: Create a system of legal enslavement. Step two: criminalize poverty and promote systems that provide ample poverty stricken individuals. Step three: take their organs!?! WTAF.

The Bill

This is, literally, a punch to the gut and should be a huge red flag to every citizen of the USA that if we continue to allow our elected “representatives” to prioritize the corporations and the wealthy… that ever shrinking piece of the pie we're being given may be missing a kidney or an eye.

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