
My Boss emailed me asking why I blocked them on LinkedIn

To keep this short, things have been pretty rough where I currently work. I am looking for a new job and using LinkedIn as my platform to promote my work and it’s been working great to get interviews and even some job offers. Last week, I decided after some aggressive emails from my current boss and some awkward announcements in group meetings about how all LinkedIn posts needed to be approved and on brand with their company to block all of the current upper management. This morning I received an email from my boss saying “hey I noticed you blocked me on LinkedIn. Can you please explain why? I also need to mention that another reasoning I moved forward with the block is because the owner of the company mentioned to one of my vendors that they were probably going to let me go soon as well. My question is,…

To keep this short, things have been pretty rough where I currently work. I am looking for a new job and using LinkedIn as my platform to promote my work and it’s been working great to get interviews and even some job offers.

Last week, I decided after some aggressive emails from my current boss and some awkward announcements in group meetings about how all LinkedIn posts needed to be approved and on brand with their company to block all of the current upper management.

This morning I received an email from my boss saying “hey I noticed you blocked me on LinkedIn. Can you please explain why?

I also need to mention that another reasoning I moved forward with the block is because the owner of the company mentioned to one of my vendors that they were probably going to let me go soon as well.

My question is, do I respond to my managers email? Do I ignore it?

I will probably only be working there for another 3 weeks at max.

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