
In a cushy but average paying job, is it worth risking for better?

Ive worked a few jobs in the past 10 years, they've all been jobs that have kept me busy. My current job is the first one I would classify as cushy. It is cyclical and some times will be a bit busier but lately I do about 2-3 hours of work a day. The work itself is low-stress too. However there are some cons with my job, namely 1) I can't work remote so the free time is just spent me on my phone 2) the pay is average ($30/hr CAD, will max out to about $34.50/hr in a years time), though to be fair for the type of work/amount of work I'm doing, it's not bad. I'm not necessarily opposed to working a little harder so long as the compensation/benefits are proportional, but my fear is job hopping and getting back into a situation where I'm busy and stressed…

Ive worked a few jobs in the past 10 years, they've all been jobs that have kept me busy. My current job is the first one I would classify as cushy. It is cyclical and some times will be a bit busier but lately I do about 2-3 hours of work a day. The work itself is low-stress too.

However there are some cons with my job, namely 1) I can't work remote so the free time is just spent me on my phone 2) the pay is average ($30/hr CAD, will max out to about $34.50/hr in a years time), though to be fair for the type of work/amount of work I'm doing, it's not bad.

I'm not necessarily opposed to working a little harder so long as the compensation/benefits are proportional, but my fear is job hopping and getting back into a situation where I'm busy and stressed all 8 hours of my work day, just to make an extra $10K. I used to absolutely dread going to work, my previous job literally kept me awake at night, for the first time in my life I can say I don't dread going to work.

I know there are other chill jobs out there, (I have some friends that are in remote jobs that pay way more and are just as chill If not even more, but I don't have their skillset/experience to get their jobs)

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