
What if the horrible former boss comes to your current workplace as a customer / visitor?

I was expecting this to happen sooner or later… and it made me realise that I have no plan whatsoever. Last year, I worked at a very shitty institute. It seemed fine at first but had my issues which I hadn't taken seriously until it was too late. My brief “career” ended with my superior trying to pay me less than she was supposed to, her lying about the reasons, and her superiors going after me afterwards. It's fun to be called the worst employee ever who hasn't done anything and whom everybody supposedly dislikes, while ignoring my work log (I had the most shifts from the previous month). I had a mental breakdown after they were done with me. There were more problems but no need to talk about them now. Anyway, I now have a much better job at a museum I love and which actually appreciates its…

I was expecting this to happen sooner or later… and it made me realise that I have no plan whatsoever.

Last year, I worked at a very shitty institute. It seemed fine at first but had my issues which I hadn't taken seriously until it was too late. My brief “career” ended with my superior trying to pay me less than she was supposed to, her lying about the reasons, and her superiors going after me afterwards. It's fun to be called the worst employee ever who hasn't done anything and whom everybody supposedly dislikes, while ignoring my work log (I had the most shifts from the previous month). I had a mental breakdown after they were done with me. There were more problems but no need to talk about them now.

Anyway, I now have a much better job at a museum I love and which actually appreciates its employees. However, my former job occasionally rents out the room here to do their seminars. And it got me worried. I wonder what would happen if my former superior (or coworkers) came to the museum why I was working there. How would I even act towards her? I work with the visitors who enter the exhibition which means I have to be nice. Not a problem, but in this case? I just don't know. What if she recognises (and she will) and tries talking to me or even references my last days at the institute? I'm sorry but after all that happened, I can't even pretend to be polite towards her. She was the one who started it, who paid me less and then lied about me to others, only to stop responding to me once her superiors took over. I've struggled mentally a lot after that. And I just can't treat her as a regular visitor.

However, I know that without having a plan, I would most likely crack under my own anxiety and either freak out or end up being passively aggressive. Neither would look good and it might lead to my former superior complaining to my current superiors and lying to them as well. She works for the respected institute. I know that my current superiors trust and like me, but I don't want to risk anything. If I could, I would honestly tell her so much from the heart… but that's unprofessional. And I guess also low. I should be the better person, but I know I can't really.

Today was almost the day I had to find out what would happen. I saw her in the hallway and actually walked pass her twice. She didn't notice me and I didn't look at her at all. She was running some errands regarding her seminar while I was briefly running mine before returning to the safety of my exhibition. However, still no idea what would have happened if she acknowledged me or entered the exhibition as a visitor.

What would you do if you were in my place? I think it's going to happen sooner or later, and I also know that I function better when I can plan stuff at least a little. So, what to do when your former boss who basically harassed you becomes the visitor or customer at your current work place and decides to talk to you (potentially about the past)?

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