
Management lied about promotion then calling me “ manipulating”

Long story short, last year my previous company was acquired by my current company. I was hesitant to stay and found a new job with a Senior title. My ex boss that I have a great relationship with begged me to stay and help me found a new job in dept A. In the negotiation process, I asked them to match the senior title of the job offer I get. The boss of dept A made up some excuses of my seniority in the dept and promised a review in 6 months ( hard lesson learned). Since then, the boss of dept A now moved on to dept B and recruited her friend to become the new boss of dept A. Soon I realized I do not want to work for the new boss because he always randomly drag me into politics dramas that’s way above my pay grade, and…

Long story short, last year my previous company was acquired by my current company. I was hesitant to stay and found a new job with a Senior title. My ex boss that I have a great relationship with begged me to stay and help me found a new job in dept A. In the negotiation process, I asked them to match the senior title of the job offer I get. The boss of dept A made up some excuses of my seniority in the dept and promised a review in 6 months ( hard lesson learned). Since then, the boss of dept A now moved on to dept B and recruited her friend to become the new boss of dept A.

Soon I realized I do not want to work for the new boss because he always randomly drag me into politics dramas that’s way above my pay grade, and pitch me against the other stakeholders I work closely with. He would randomly called me into the office to tell me I need to build up the courage to against my stakeholders that I am supposed to work with. 6 months later I can’t stand it anymore, and I found out my ex boss from our original company is moving on to a new company. I reached out to him about my dilemma and he’s kind enough to organized a meeting with my stakeholders before he left and made them agree I will transfer out of my current department to department C.

My ex boss left, and I was sad because I felt no one in this new company will now have my back. I tried to mind my own business and do good work. And I actually received a lot of positive feedback from them and from the clients. I know they are working on my transfer to department C but I didn’t even press on the issue once.

After 3 months, the head of department C reached out to me to try to match my title/job description for the new role. And the same time my annual review is due this month. She sent me a role for junior title position- I mentioned the conversation of title review when I was first hired and ask if the review is still happening with the transition – I didn’t aggressively demand anything but just ask for clarification. The head of dept C said she would need to talk to Boss A and Boss B, and of course they both denied a conversation ever happened.

What really shocked me was none of my stakeholders have backed me up despite the constant positive feedbacks I have been getting . In an accidently leaked email chain, one of them even called me “ irritating” “ manipulating” and “ I need to stop pitching people against each other”.. The leaked email chain also revealed all those depts thought the other will continue to pay for my salary and none of them are willing to pay for it once the transfer processs starts. I don’t understand how’s asking clarification about my job title and duty is to pitching people against each other?? Now I can see why 80% of employees from my original company left a year after acquistion, including my ex boss who convinced me to stay.

They are having another meeting this Friday to talk about me without my presence and a meeting with me next week. I honestly not sure how to react knowing what was said about me behind my back..

Part of me want to quit for good because numerous red flag with this position and the company and the jerk who ruined my promotion chance in the new dept with his “ comments”

My only drawback is I am planning to have a baby at the end of this year and with the current economy situation, it’s risky to start a new job.. However I don’t know how I can pretend nothing happened and just pretend I don’t know.

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