
I’m helping people automate their jobs so they can still get paid but not do any work. Corporations think they’re the only ones that can use advancements in AI and automation for their benefit, let’s flip the script on them.

There are many jobs out there that just have a bunch of busywork with a manager figuratively and sometimes literally hovering over you expecting you to constantly be doing something. With advancements in AI & automation it's possible to program something for certain jobs to get the necessary work done and leave your employer none the wiser. Your employer will see your work output is high but really it will be the program doing most of the work. I was thinking of putting something together where I could help people in certain jobs automate their workload and basically live an anti work and work free life but while they're still getting paid from their job. Corporations are using advancements in tech to lay people off and pay them less, it's time the average person took advantage of these advancements for their own gain. We could start a community initiative where…

There are many jobs out there that just have a bunch of busywork with a manager figuratively and sometimes literally hovering over you expecting you to constantly be doing something. With advancements in AI & automation it's possible to program something for certain jobs to get the necessary work done and leave your employer none the wiser. Your employer will see your work output is high but really it will be the program doing most of the work. I was thinking of putting something together where I could help people in certain jobs automate their workload and basically live an anti work and work free life but while they're still getting paid from their job.

Corporations are using advancements in tech to lay people off and pay them less, it's time the average person took advantage of these advancements for their own gain. We could start a community initiative where we educate and help people accomplish this. We could basically create a community of people that have automated their jobs, I think it could be amazing. I could put something together for a couple people first and then we could grow from there. Is anyone interested in this?

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