
“I heard you were bragging about getting your boss fired. You weren’t the reason.”

My district manager today gave me a talk that she heard rumors I was bragging about getting my manager fired and that I was taking credit for it. I was not bragging. People asked me, and I told them what happened. And I'm proud of myself. I reported a supervisor for sexual harassment, and the manager cut my hours to zero. I'm proud of myself for fighting back, and he got fired as a result. I'm not proud someone lost their job. I'm proud I stood my ground and they got an appropriate consequence. And people should know about it. People should know that if they get ILLEGALLY retaliated against, that they can get justice. If that wasn't the reason he got fired, it should be enough on its own. My DM said that there were various other reasons that were a factor in him getting fired. It shouldn't matter.…

My district manager today gave me a talk that she heard rumors I was bragging about getting my manager fired and that I was taking credit for it.

  1. I was not bragging. People asked me, and I told them what happened. And I'm proud of myself.

I reported a supervisor for sexual harassment, and the manager cut my hours to zero. I'm proud of myself for fighting back, and he got fired as a result.

I'm not proud someone lost their job. I'm proud I stood my ground and they got an appropriate consequence.

And people should know about it. People should know that if they get ILLEGALLY retaliated against, that they can get justice.

  1. If that wasn't the reason he got fired, it should be enough on its own.

My DM said that there were various other reasons that were a factor in him getting fired.

It shouldn't matter. Even if he had a perfect squeaky clean slate, he still should have gotten fired. He literally broke the law.

My report is as clear as day. I made a report to my manager about sexual harassment. My hours were immediately cut to zero.

I even talked to the manager, giving him the benefit of the doubt. He literally apologized to me and told me he would add me back on the current schedule. He never did.

It's so frustrating to me that the DM thinks this is the time to exert her power.

My supervisor told me I had the body for an onlyfans and that it must get a lot of attention. My supervisor told me he liked sliding in and coming inside.

The nerve she has to disregard what I went through and suggest I'm bragging about it. It pisses me off.

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