
Using doctors note to stop working in the kitchen.

I just started working at Casey's General Store. When I first got the job I was working as a cashier. That's what I signed up for. But now the past 2 weeks I have been in the kitchen which totally surprised me and not what I signed up for. In fact, at my last job, I applied at a local bar to be a bar tender, and it turned out it was a position for a line cook. They fired me in less than 2 weeks (in poor taste) for being too slow. I never even cook at home, I hate cooking, never even made a burger before. My background is in Web Development. Damn it, I wanted a job that involves talking with people because I just moved to a small town where I don't know anybody. I'm really scared that tomorrow I work the kitchen alone and they…

I just started working at Casey's General Store.
When I first got the job I was working as a cashier. That's what I signed up for. But now the past 2 weeks I have been in the kitchen which totally surprised me and not what I signed up for.
In fact, at my last job, I applied at a local bar to be a bar tender, and it turned out it was a position for a line cook.
They fired me in less than 2 weeks (in poor taste) for being too slow.
I never even cook at home, I hate cooking, never even made a burger before. My background is in Web Development.
Damn it, I wanted a job that involves talking with people because I just moved to a small town where I don't know anybody.
I'm really scared that tomorrow I work the kitchen alone and they are going to fire me because I'm too stupid.
So at the bar, my arm broke out in hives because the dish cleaning chemicals Sterile Tech requires we use. I had a small rash the other day while at my new job.
I am hoping to exploit this to get out of the kitchen using a doctors note so now I'm purposely trying to have a reaction.

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