
Most unprofessional interview of my life.

I was supposed to meet with the HR manager, Corissa, for my interview. It was for a specific job, with very specific hours, location and pay, hence why I applied. Corissa informed me that she would actually be out of town during my scheduled interview and if it would be alright if she set me up with her supervisor, Kimberly. Said no problem and was looking forward to it. The interview was this afternoon, I show up about 10 minutes before the appointed time, let the receptionist know I’m there and she goes back to inform Kim. 30 seconds go by and she comes back and informs me that Kim will be in a meeting at 2:30 (the appointed time) and if I could wait for a woman named Tamara to come interview me. Alright. I wait. And wait. For almost 30 full minutes. At this point I’m all ready…

I was supposed to meet with the HR manager, Corissa, for my interview. It was for a specific job, with very specific hours, location and pay, hence why I applied. Corissa informed me that she would actually be out of town during my scheduled interview and if it would be alright if she set me up with her supervisor, Kimberly. Said no problem and was looking forward to it.

The interview was this afternoon, I show up about 10 minutes before the appointed time, let the receptionist know I’m there and she goes back to inform Kim. 30 seconds go by and she comes back and informs me that Kim will be in a meeting at 2:30 (the appointed time) and if I could wait for a woman named Tamara to come interview me. Alright.

I wait. And wait. For almost 30 full minutes. At this point I’m all ready over it and about to walk out when Tamara shows up. She doesn’t greet me, shake my hand, nothing, just says my name and points into a random office like I’m a child going to see the principal. I sit down and we begin the interview. Her description of duties and shift times are not lining up with what I applied to… at all. I ask her to clarify the role and it’s not the same position or even at the same location that I had applied to! We were literally at the location I applied to while her position was 20 minutes away. She then asks me ‘Well why am I interviewing you, I don’t have a role like that for those hours?’

Um….. why the hell are you’re asking ME this?

Then we get to the generic old school questions ‘Describe a time…’ As I’m giving my answer, Tamara, without saying a word, gets up and walks out of the room, clearly not listening to anything I was saying. She comes back with a slip of paper that she is wanting me to fill out with my availability to see if she has anything for me, and I double down that I am ONLY interested in the job I applied to. She says she’s gathering information for Kim since she’s in a meeting.

I ask her about her crew to break the tension, is it a small crew, are they close? She proceeds to answer by saying in a mocking tone ‘Haha yeah they’re close alright!’ And then pretends to chug a bottle of alcohol.

I snatched the validation ticket off the table, said I’d be in touch with Corissa and walked out and as I do I pass by Kim’s office, who’s sitting at her desk, NOT in a meeting.

Sodexo, you sad, disorganized, unprofessional, pathetic, shit-hole of a place. I’ll be in touch with Corissa alright, to complain about the gross mismanagement of this entire thing and to thank her for completely wasting my time.

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