
Waste my time? I’ll waste yours

So I had an interview scheduled for a local store at 1:00pm confirmed on indeed and over email. The place was about a20 minute walk from home. I get there a little early as you do and say that I'm here for an interview.. I'm met with confused looks and the two women in speaking to kind of glance at each other. “Are you sure it wasn't at 2:00?” “I'm fairly confident it was one, I can pull up the emails and check if you like” “It's just that I'm about to go on my lunch is all, could you possibly come back at 2?” Now it's freezing cold outside at this point so I'm not about to sit outside for an hour, and walking home and back would be a waste of time, so naturally I said “sure yeah no problem” and promptly went home and stayed home. I…

So I had an interview scheduled for a local store at 1:00pm confirmed on indeed and over email. The place was about a20 minute walk from home. I get there a little early as you do and say that I'm here for an interview..

I'm met with confused looks and the two women in speaking to kind of glance at each other. “Are you sure it wasn't at 2:00?”
“I'm fairly confident it was one, I can pull up the emails and check if you like”
“It's just that I'm about to go on my lunch is all, could you possibly come back at 2?”

Now it's freezing cold outside at this point so I'm not about to sit outside for an hour, and walking home and back would be a waste of time, so naturally I said “sure yeah no problem” and promptly went home and stayed home.

I know I won't have wasted a lot of their time waiting for me to arrive at 2, but if you can't delay your lunch by 15 mins for an interview YOU SCHEDULED, clearly you have no respect for others time and that's not a manager I want to work for.

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