
Employer is giving 0 hours now, what should I do?

I work for a big hotel, was hired as a banquet server 2 months ago. When they hired me, they gave plenty of hours and got big checks and now it slowed down. Barely any events. Last week I had like 14 hours, this week 6 hours and next week 0 hours. The coworkers who get some hours have been there for 10+ years so I guess they trust them more. Also they hired a new manager who tries to act that his way is always the best. Told on me about not holding a napkin well to polish a glass, when there are several ways to hold it. Yeah so what to do? Any grounds for unemployment?

I work for a big hotel, was hired as a banquet server 2 months ago. When they hired me, they gave plenty of hours and got big checks and now it slowed down. Barely any events. Last week I had like 14 hours, this week 6 hours and next week 0 hours. The coworkers who get some hours have been there for 10+ years so I guess they trust them more.

Also they hired a new manager who tries to act that his way is always the best. Told on me about not holding a napkin well to polish a glass, when there are several ways to hold it.

Yeah so what to do? Any grounds for unemployment?

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