
“They want to fight like hell over stupid stuff but won’t fight for important stuff like sick pay”

This is what my coworker said when we were out to eat the other day. Long story short, the managers let us be able to make our own decisions on something and older women threw a fit they didn't have it their way despite seniority. On day 1. Every job I've had, I had no faith in a union. Not because management would crush it but because a labor union makes everyone equal and too many people don't want to be equal, they want to be better. They want to suck up to the boss and get special privileges. They want to act better than workers that have been there less long. They want to slack off and dump work on someone else. They want to get you fired over something trivial. And most power mad bosses I had wasn't the owners kid, or someone born into wealth. They're someone…

This is what my coworker said when we were out to eat the other day. Long story short, the managers let us be able to make our own decisions on something and older women threw a fit they didn't have it their way despite seniority. On day 1.

Every job I've had, I had no faith in a union. Not because management would crush it but because a labor union makes everyone equal and too many people don't want to be equal, they want to be better.

They want to suck up to the boss and get special privileges. They want to act better than workers that have been there less long. They want to slack off and dump work on someone else. They want to get you fired over something trivial.

And most power mad bosses I had wasn't the owners kid, or someone born into wealth. They're someone who was a normal worker like me before getting that promotion.

How the hell do we expect to win when the root of the problem isn't the system, but the very way normal people think? You can blame the system for making people like that but you can't form a union when the people you need to join the very most don't actually want equality, they want superiority.

There's some truth to “things have to get worse before they get better.” How much worse? Slavery? Civil war? Famine?

There's never going to be a rejuvenated labor movement or a general strike with things being the way they are now.

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