
if you’re typing the words “lawsuit” or “easy money” or “lawyer” in your advice, you are wrong. please stop.

In 24 hours i spotted at least 18 instances of “advice” that involved lawsuits and lawyers and the arrogant and very incorrect “this case is cut and dry herp derp free money”. If youre not a lawyer, stop giving false legal advice. You are harming the people who are posting here by arrogantly and confidently and incorrectly giving them hope that they can win some money when 99% of the time they cannot and youre just citing something yoi thought you heard on tv or read somewhere. Workmans comp, settlements, and unemployment are not lottery tickets waiting to be won. You're not helping with your very uneducated responses and you're trivializing the fact that worker's rights are trampled every day.

In 24 hours i spotted at least 18 instances of “advice” that involved lawsuits and lawyers and the arrogant and very incorrect “this case is cut and dry herp derp free money”.

If youre not a lawyer, stop giving false legal advice. You are harming the people who are posting here by arrogantly and confidently and incorrectly giving them hope that they can win some money when 99% of the time they cannot and youre just citing something yoi thought you heard on tv or read somewhere.

Workmans comp, settlements, and unemployment are not lottery tickets waiting to be won. You're not helping with your very uneducated responses and you're trivializing the fact that worker's rights are trampled every day.

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