
Pushed to the breaking point, quit and gave 4 week’s notice. I’m being told “actions have consequences”.

I work as a critical care flight paramedic/RN. I have been with our program for over 4 years. We had a entire new management team installed about 2 years ago with the promise of big changes for the good of everyone, pay being one of these items. Things have gone from bad to worse, micromanaging, unprofessional and aggressive communications, shift and base changes. In the last year, 14 people have quit, which is a large percentage of our staff, probably close to 40%. I finally had enough. I applied for a job at another program several months ago. This program could be described As a “sister program” and they communicate frequently with management at our program. I was the only candidate with experience in the job, all others were entry level, no flight experience. I received a generic letter stating I wasn’t selected for any of the several open positions.…

I work as a critical care flight paramedic/RN. I have been with our program for over 4 years. We had a entire new management team installed about 2 years ago with the promise of big changes for the good of everyone, pay being one of these items. Things have gone from bad to worse, micromanaging, unprofessional and aggressive communications, shift and base changes. In the last year, 14 people have quit, which is a large percentage of our staff, probably close to 40%.

I finally had enough. I applied for a job at another program several months ago. This program could be described As a “sister program” and they communicate frequently with management at our program. I was the only candidate with experience in the job, all others were entry level, no flight experience. I received a generic letter stating I wasn’t selected for any of the several open positions.

I asked our director face to face if he said anything to sway their decision. He assured me he gave a good reference but “jokingly” asked them not to hire me as it would be a big loss.

I just put in my notice, 4 weeks, as I have accepted a non-flight nursing position for significantly more money. Our director texted me after receiving my email which said “we need to talk”. Pretty aggressive I’m my opinion. He says that my resignation completely blindsided them and that it was extremely unprofessional given all they have done for us as a team. I said that I would consider coming back eventually but for now needed some time away due to all the stress and frustrations. I was told that actions have consequences and that I would not be considered for future positions.

I really can’t get over this. 4 weeks was more than enough notice in my opinion. Many of my remaining colleagues have said they are also considering leaving and all have said I’ve been more than fair and patient.

Just a rant I guess. Sigh.

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