
Which is objectively better: work from home or competent coworkers and management?

I currently work for a large company doing work of a legal nature. My coworkers are unreliable and cannot perform their work within the (very generous) 72-hour window given by management. Management doesn’t seem to enforce this and frankly has a very nepotistic relationship with one of their subordinates who lives near them. Our entire team works from home. I have an opportunity to get a better job with different management, but it isn’t work from home 100% (work from home Monday and Friday). All other things being equal, which is better: competent management/coworkers or work from home?

I currently work for a large company doing work of a legal nature. My coworkers are unreliable and cannot perform their work within the (very generous) 72-hour window given by management. Management doesn’t seem to enforce this and frankly has a very nepotistic relationship with one of their subordinates who lives near them. Our entire team works from home.

I have an opportunity to get a better job with different management, but it isn’t work from home 100% (work from home Monday and Friday). All other things being equal, which is better: competent management/coworkers or work from home?

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