
Spoke up in a DEI meeting. I am not doing that again.

I work at a job. I like my job. I like my coworkers. I have to attend DEI meetings. I don't like these meetings. We were discussing patterns of white supremacy like having deadlines or expecting high standards, or individualism. My stupid ass thought I should share my opinion about how expecting people to be on time and do a good job is not white supremacy. That went sour fast. Did I mention I would like to keep my job? Long story short, I had to talk to three levels of superiors. They assured me this is a safe space to share my opinions. Really?! Then why am I in your office for sharing my opinion? What I am trying to say is, I said the truth as I see it, and I nearly lost my job. I am taking a break from speaking my mind on this subject. Those…

I work at a job. I like my job. I like my coworkers. I have to attend DEI meetings. I don't like these meetings. We were discussing patterns of white supremacy like having deadlines or expecting high standards, or individualism. My stupid ass thought I should share my opinion about how expecting people to be on time and do a good job is not white supremacy. That went sour fast.

Did I mention I would like to keep my job?

Long story short, I had to talk to three levels of superiors. They assured me this is a safe space to share my opinions. Really?! Then why am I in your office for sharing my opinion?

What I am trying to say is, I said the truth as I see it, and I nearly lost my job. I am taking a break from speaking my mind on this subject. Those who can afford to speak up should keep doing so, I can't.


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