
Employment Contract early termination advice

Looking for advice before seeking legal help. I am currently bound by a contract with my employer, which states that they will employ me through the end of this year. The contract includes provisions regarding termination, which can only occur in the event of my death, prolonged illness resulting in my inability to perform my job, or fraud. In all other cases, the employer is obligated to pay out my agreed-upon wages, PTO, benefits, and bonuses through the specified date. Recently, my employer sold the specialized business and, yesterday, presented me with a separation agreement. I have not yet signed the agreement, as I was informed that “today is your last day” but not officially terminated. The offered severance package totals a few thousand dollars, which is significantly less than what I would have earned if I had continued my employment through the agreed-upon date. According to my review of the…

Looking for advice before seeking legal help. I am currently bound by a contract with my employer, which states that they will employ me through the end of this year. The contract includes provisions regarding termination, which can only occur in the event of my death, prolonged illness resulting in my inability to perform my job, or fraud. In all other cases, the employer is obligated to pay out my agreed-upon wages, PTO, benefits, and bonuses through the specified date.
Recently, my employer sold the specialized business and, yesterday, presented me with a separation agreement. I have not yet signed the agreement, as I was informed that “today is your last day” but not officially terminated. The offered severance package totals a few thousand dollars, which is significantly less than what I would have earned if I had continued my employment through the agreed-upon date.

According to my review of the contract, it appears that my employer is obligated to honor the original terms through the end of this year, and the severance package presented appears to be an attempt to have me leave quietly for the least amount possible while waiving my worker rights. The separation agreement states that the employee and employer mutually negotiated this separation, which I dispute.

I am located in Ohio, which is an “at-will” state, but I believe that my contract is legally binding. I have researched the matter and found that the company may be required to pay out the remaining of my contract, including bonuses, wages, benefits, and PTO, and that the sale of the business should have taken into account the payout of my original contract in the event of early termination.

I am concerned that if I do not show up for work next week, my employer may argue that I have breached the contract and relieve me of my obligations under the agreement, but I do have a text stating not to come back to the office. I am feeling frustrated and distressed over this whole thing and would appreciate some best advice on how to proceed.

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