
How to handle a situation where my boss wants me to teach my possible replacement?

My boss hired a new employee that is his friend. He asked me to teach new person my job, to be my back up. I find it suspicious because there is no work for the new employee. I don't want to look for another job because I work for this company for 8 years, I like the job, my performance is good. In these 8 years I changed job positions 3 times and I would prefer to stay in the company. How to handle it? Also the new guy never says thank you when I teach him, tells me that my job could be done better, complains to the boss that I teach him too slow or not exactly like he wants. Asks me tricky questions like :”do you like our boss”? And then goes to the boss and tells him what I said.

My boss hired a new employee that is his friend. He asked me to teach new person my job, to be my back up. I find it suspicious because there is no work for the new employee. I don't want to look for another job because I work for this company for 8 years, I like the job, my performance is good. In these 8 years I changed job positions 3 times and I would prefer to stay in the company. How to handle it?

Also the new guy never says thank you when I teach him, tells me that my job could be done better, complains to the boss that I teach him too slow or not exactly like he wants. Asks me tricky questions like :”do you like our boss”? And then goes to the boss and tells him what I said.

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