
Last month I was told I would be receiving a raise soon; this month I received a “promotion” with zero raise

Just a rant post. I've been with this company almost a year. In Dec I had a call with a superior who mentioned that they recognized all the hard work I had been putting in and that a raise in compensation was on the way. The call was regarding a big side project they put me on that ended up going really well. As the project was winding down, my boss offers a new role and promotion. I was excited as it feels like a better fit for me than my current role. It includes a title change with WAY more responsibility. I figured given the huge bump in workload that it would have a nice pay increase. They basically give me 24 hours to accept as they have a whole restructuring plan for our department that they want to announce at that day's big meeting. Ultimately I accept the…

Just a rant post. I've been with this company almost a year. In Dec I had a call with a superior who mentioned that they recognized all the hard work I had been putting in and that a raise in compensation was on the way. The call was regarding a big side project they put me on that ended up going really well. As the project was winding down, my boss offers a new role and promotion. I was excited as it feels like a better fit for me than my current role. It includes a title change with WAY more responsibility. I figured given the huge bump in workload that it would have a nice pay increase. They basically give me 24 hours to accept as they have a whole restructuring plan for our department that they want to announce at that day's big meeting. Ultimately I accept the new role, and when I try to push compensation, and my boss has the gall to tell me that “like any job, you have to take the new role first and earn a pay increase over time” and that maybe we could talk about a raise in a “few months or so”. He completely brushes me off and says my new position has no option for a raise.

Some probably relevant points:

-After hiring I realized that I was a poor fit for the position, and I know they are restructuring my role for someone with more relevant experience, although that won't happen for some months.

-All of my direct feedback has been positive.

-This has happened to other team members as well. We recently had some talented managers quit due to lack of raises, and multiple other team members have received “promotions” with no raise. They are all working their asses off to cover the managers who left.

Am I missing something or is this absolute bullshit?

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