
Why can’t bosses ever just send stuff via a text message??!

Seriously. So tired of this. All my boss does is send me a message telling me to call him. This during a weekend, when I don't work. Like how about no? How about you, at the very least, tell me what it is about in the message where you tell me to call you? It's already annoying enough when a boss contacts you on your day off. Those of you living where this is illegal are lucky. But when the contacting is to just tell me to call them? The previous times this has happened has just been to tell me I'll be driving a route I usually don't drive. You can literally just message that. “Next week you drive route 123, truck plate XYZ, starts at XX:OO, regular route between terminals in A and B.” I wrote him earlier in the morning that I'll be busy all evening and…

Seriously. So tired of this. All my boss does is send me a message telling me to call him. This during a weekend, when I don't work.

Like how about no? How about you, at the very least, tell me what it is about in the message where you tell me to call you?

It's already annoying enough when a boss contacts you on your day off. Those of you living where this is illegal are lucky. But when the contacting is to just tell me to call them?

The previous times this has happened has just been to tell me I'll be driving a route I usually don't drive. You can literally just message that. “Next week you drive route 123, truck plate XYZ, starts at XX:OO, regular route between terminals in A and B.”

I wrote him earlier in the morning that I'll be busy all evening and night after I wake up (night shift sleep schedule and all that). Honestly, if the guy doesn't respond it can't be anything that important imho, because if it was, he could at least let me know what it's about.

Sorry for the rant. I just hate this sort of managing. Guy needs some classes for real. Well, a lot of bosses do, really.

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