
Besides the lost time, stress and low wages – one of the main reasons why I dont want to work are the ridiculous Job requirements

As if it wasnt enough that you lose half your life to work – that the stress is making you sick and miserable and that most of the time the wages are to low: Another reason why I hate to work are the ridiculous Job requirements. Compare the curriculum of a Bachelors/Masters degree from 50 years ago – to the one today. I can guarantee that it is much more packed and that one has to learn 2x the amount you had to learn 50 years ago to get the same degree. Compare the requirements of Jobs today to the same jobs 50 years ago. I can guarantee that most jobs 50 years ago required just HS – nowadays most jobs outside the trades require a Bachelors or even Masters. Compare the training period of jobs today to the ones 50 years ago. I can guarantee that 50 years ago…

As if it wasnt enough that you lose half your life to work – that the stress is making you sick and miserable and that most of the time the wages are to low: Another reason why I hate to work are the ridiculous Job requirements.

Compare the curriculum of a Bachelors/Masters degree from 50 years ago – to the one today. I can guarantee that it is much more packed and that one has to learn 2x the amount you had to learn 50 years ago to get the same degree.

Compare the requirements of Jobs today to the same jobs 50 years ago. I can guarantee that most jobs 50 years ago required just HS – nowadays most jobs outside the trades require a Bachelors or even Masters.

Compare the training period of jobs today to the ones 50 years ago. I can guarantee that 50 years ago you got at least a week or a month of training, nowadays you get a few hours, if you are lucky maybe a few days.

Compare the skills and abilities you should bring to a job 50 years ago with the expectations now. I can guarantee that for most jobs 50 years ago it was enough to read and do some math, but nowadays one should speak 3 languages, be an expert with computers and who knows what.

Its just absurd.

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