
I’m being put on a PIP, after being told one week prior that there’s nothing wrong with my performance.

I was told that there's nothing wrong with my performance, there were just three small feedback items for me. After only a few days, I was told that I'm not fulfilling my responsibilities. One week later, I was told that my performance is starting to become a concern after more communication breakdown. Two days later, I was told that I'm being put on a PIP. For an entire week, I've been asking for clarity while affirming that I'm eager to do what's needed for my team, I just needed direction, expectations, and patience. Regardless of this, I'm being put on a PIP. And it's under the guise that this is the solution to the unclarity and confusion I've expressed, as if it's due to my performance that direction and expectations from upper management have not been clear. My ego is telling me to suck it up, sign the PIP, and…

I was told that there's nothing wrong with my performance, there were just three small feedback items for me. After only a few days, I was told that I'm not fulfilling my responsibilities. One week later, I was told that my performance is starting to become a concern after more communication breakdown. Two days later, I was told that I'm being put on a PIP.

For an entire week, I've been asking for clarity while affirming that I'm eager to do what's needed for my team, I just needed direction, expectations, and patience.

Regardless of this, I'm being put on a PIP. And it's under the guise that this is the solution to the unclarity and confusion I've expressed, as if it's due to my performance that direction and expectations from upper management have not been clear.

My ego is telling me to suck it up, sign the PIP, and prove myself. Hold it out in this job until I find a new one so that I don't go down in flames.

Yet I'd be compromising my faith if I ignore the truth of what's been transpiring and “agree” to terms that I don't actually agree with. At that point, I would be lying by signing that PIP.

And even more, after how I've been feeling for the past few months about how I haven't dedicated my life to serving others fully and doing God's will, I've been wanting to be in a line of work that's impactful for people in need. I'd be compromising my faith even more by hanging onto a job for the sake of money.

Once I'm fired tomorrow for not signing that PIP (because what else would happen if I don't?), I'm going back to school to complete my degree and dig into the passion projects that will actually help people who need it.

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