
When you request a day off, why do boss’s want to know what you’re taking the day off for?

I feel like this is something that everyone has gone through at some point. I remember when it happened to me for the first time. I was in high school working at Cracker Barrel and when I was first employed, they gave me an availability sheet to fill out. I said that I would be free every single day morning AND evening, except for Thursday nights because I wanted at least one gap in my schedule where I could regularly be free so that I could complete homework. (I was 16 btw). A week later, I got my schedule and I was scheduled to work Thursday evening. I wanted to be a good employee and be responsible by telling my boss about it the very second that the schedule was posted instead of waiting until the day of and making her find someone to cover me last minute. So I…

I feel like this is something that everyone has gone through at some point. I remember when it happened to me for the first time. I was in high school working at Cracker Barrel and when I was first employed, they gave me an availability sheet to fill out. I said that I would be free every single day morning AND evening, except for Thursday nights because I wanted at least one gap in my schedule where I could regularly be free so that I could complete homework. (I was 16 btw). A week later, I got my schedule and I was scheduled to work Thursday evening. I wanted to be a good employee and be responsible by telling my boss about it the very second that the schedule was posted instead of waiting until the day of and making her find someone to cover me last minute. So I call her and she promptly answers with a very cold and unwelcoming “yeah?” which immediately made me feel like trash but I told her that I wouldn't be able to come in Thursday evening but that I could make every other shift on my schedule, and I swear she said “wait, who is this?” and I told her my first name, and she goes “***** smith?” which is not my last name. She spent a week training me and talking to me for hours, and then didn't know my name or seemingly who I was haha. But then asked my why I couldn't make it to which I said “family obligations” and then she goes “you're an adult and you need to be responsible for coming to work when asked” and then I go to tell her about how I never said that I would be available on Thursday nights, but before I could say it she HUNG UP on me. I never contacted her again and also never showed up, I quit

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