
The CATCH-22 over the sheer amount of time it takes to apply to better-paying jobs when you’re working your a** off as a minimum wager

Just wanted to recognize those of us who are busting their tails putting in 50+ hours per week to make ends meet – and not finding the time or energy to apply to jobs in order to better our situations. How in the world are people supposed to complete the (grueling, tiring, demoralizing) application process when they're busy putting in tens of hours in overtime and/or juggling multiple jobs just to pay the bills… Just HOW?! I'll tell you how I'm doing it – just finished applying for a job for my children's father because he's too busy working from 5:30am – 6pm, and then doing the childcare while I work evenings. It took me almost 2 HOURS from start to finish, and this is while I'm supposedly watching our two young kids (ahh don't judge me lol). This job application involved no less than 5 short ESSAYS in which…

Just wanted to recognize those of us who are busting their tails putting in 50+ hours per week to make ends meet – and not finding the time or energy to apply to jobs in order to better our situations. How in the world are people supposed to complete the (grueling, tiring, demoralizing) application process when they're busy putting in tens of hours in overtime and/or juggling multiple jobs just to pay the bills… Just HOW?!

I'll tell you how I'm doing it – just finished applying for a job for my children's father because he's too busy working from 5:30am – 6pm, and then doing the childcare while I work evenings. It took me almost 2 HOURS from start to finish, and this is while I'm supposedly watching our two young kids (ahh don't judge me lol). This job application involved no less than 5 short ESSAYS in which I needed to impersonate my kids' dad. We straight-up need to make more $$ at this point just to pay our bills – and this is with both of us working opposite shifts in order to avoid childcare payments. IDK how other people in our situation find time to apply to jack. Should I just accept that we're going to be broke & exhausted & stuck in our dead-end jobs forever..? If not, please enlighten me as to what we're doing wrong.

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