
‘Wage theft’ seems like bs.

I mostly like my employer, my managers are alright and my coworkers are all nice. I’m a lifeguard at a water park. One thing I feel like is bullshit is the way that we get reminded often to make absolute sure we are clocked out if we aren’t doing anything. We have are 30 minutes breaks but that’s the only time it’s acceptable to sit around. I know I sound like a whiny baby but I can’t help it. I have to be at work at 9:30 or else I’m considered late, but can’t clock in until 9:50 when we open to park unless I want to sweep. I’d really prefer if I just didn’t have to show up and sit around for 20 minutes. I’m walking upwards of 5 miles a day, since guarding is literally just walking back and forth. I don’t want to add to that by…

I mostly like my employer, my managers are alright and my coworkers are all nice. I’m a lifeguard at a water park. One thing I feel like is bullshit is the way that we get reminded often to make absolute sure we are clocked out if we aren’t doing anything. We have are 30 minutes breaks but that’s the only time it’s acceptable to sit around. I know I sound like a whiny baby but I can’t help it. I have to be at work at 9:30 or else I’m considered late, but can’t clock in until 9:50 when we open to park unless I want to sweep. I’d really prefer if I just didn’t have to show up and sit around for 20 minutes. I’m walking upwards of 5 miles a day, since guarding is literally just walking back and forth. I don’t want to add to that by walking around a large park looking for a spec of dust to sweep up that one of the 18 other guards might have missed. They get around the whole having you show up at 9:30 but not start work until 9:50 thing by having a mandatory meeting everyday that’s supposed to be at 9:30. Most days it’s at about 9:45 and the meeting is just telling us the amount of people at the park that day and who starts at what spots. If we are late we get points and too many points we get fired. Sure it’s wage theft for me to sit on my ass for 20 minutes but it’s not time theft to require me to sit there not doing anything? My time means absolutely nothing? Can’t even complain anywhere but anonymously on Reddit or else I’d feel like I’m just being a pussy or upset I’m not being paid for being lazy. I get that’s what I’m mad about. I just hate that they get to choose that my time is worthless.

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