
Boss makes sudden abrupt change to dress code today, berates me when I tell him I can’t afford the new requirements because of low pay.

I work in hospitality (hotel) that USED to have a casualish dress code, however today my boss and his team have decided without warning, starting about 5 hours ago before this post goes up, to change the dress code to blend in better with the more luxury surrounding hotels. Now we all must wear Red button down dress shirts, smooth khakis, and slick black dress shoes (with no designs on it) which would come to total $70 for one shirt, two pairs of pants, and one pair of shoes. It is “required” in order to keep working, or if we show up we will be clocked out and asked to go home, and may be reprimanded. When I told him that there's no way I can suddenly afford such a change in 24 hours (have to have the new dress code by 1PM tomorrow), he belittled me talking about how…

I work in hospitality (hotel) that USED to have a casualish dress code, however today my boss and his team have decided without warning, starting about 5 hours ago before this post goes up, to change the dress code to blend in better with the more luxury surrounding hotels. Now we all must wear Red button down dress shirts, smooth khakis, and slick black dress shoes (with no designs on it) which would come to total $70 for one shirt, two pairs of pants, and one pair of shoes.

It is “required” in order to keep working, or if we show up we will be clocked out and asked to go home, and may be reprimanded.

When I told him that there's no way I can suddenly afford such a change in 24 hours (have to have the new dress code by 1PM tomorrow), he belittled me talking about how I need to learn proper money management, that I shouldn't waste money on pointless trinkets, making an assumption I buy non-necessities when I DON'T, and that I have enough money to be able to do it.

Now keep in mind, I'm given the label “supervisor” but this piece of shit and the company pay me LESS than 28k a year for this job. Those below me make less than 25k a year. We all have rent to pay, insurance for our health, and apts, phone bill, transportation, and food, etc, and he gets 90k a year plus based on bonuses. I am barely making it per check, I don't have many fun things specifically because I can't afford them, but he's acting like the company is doing me a favor giving me my low wage, and that it's “enough”.

Especially with the rising prices I've been struggling, my next pay is Friday, and I already know by Wednesday I'll have to go without a phone until payday, because even planning ahead, I know I won't have enough to pay the phone bill and still have breathing room until my deposit comes.

In any other case, this would be an example where you curse out your boss and leave, but because of my situation and paycheck to paycheck living, I can't really do that, but I also can't afford the new dresscode either, so it seems like I may end up out of work anyway.

Hospitality is a terrible industry, it's barely a job and is more like torture, you get punished even if you do a good job, and you can be trampled over like a rug. No matter how hard I work I get nowhere, and things keep getting worse.

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