
Asking a question

My low end retail job is trying to get a syndicate. We had the majority, so the things were going well… until yesterday… The COO came by our store to ask question to the employees. (We would have been the first or one of the first to get a syndicate) I just learned than one of our managers got fired, because of it. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN IMPLICATED. They're probably coming for the other manager too soon. (This guy is the one who started things, cause it was becoming more and absurd everyweek, more on that below) I fear a little for my job, but i'm more pissed than anything. I'm just a student who live with his parents, i can afford it. But the people that worked there (or were relocated from another store) for years, don't necessarly can. Apparantly, (i wasn't working today) the higher up showed up…

My low end retail job is trying to get a syndicate. We had the majority, so the things were going well… until yesterday… The COO came by our store to ask question to the employees. (We would have been the first or one of the first to get a syndicate)

I just learned than one of our managers got fired, because of it. SHE WASN'T EVEN IN IMPLICATED. They're probably coming for the other manager too soon. (This guy is the one who started things, cause it was becoming more and absurd everyweek, more on that below) I fear a little for my job, but i'm more pissed than anything. I'm just a student who live with his parents, i can afford it. But the people that worked there (or were relocated from another store) for years, don't necessarly can.

Apparantly, (i wasn't working today) the higher up showed up today with a list of nine additionnal people against the syndicate. These people never even worked in the store !

Here's a couple of exemple of what they do…
-They engage a shit ton of people to give them only 4 hours a week to prevent opportunity
-''salary equity'' around the minimum wage for everyone (associate, team lead and managers)
-Demand the reorganisation of three ailes and the back row in 37h paid hours (basicly remaking a third of the store in the quarter of the human time)
-Propose, but take back promotion
-Ask free hours from the managers (they are already doing 55h+ per week)
-Bring a team of employees from other stores to ''help'' make them undo all that we've done and leave 5min before opening
-No formation
-No paid security equipment

And the list goes on and on and on…

I'm tired and pissed from that shit, I want to cause them media exposure.

So the question to the mods is, Can I give the name of the company ?

Tl.DR: My bosses are getting fired for trying to set up a syndicate. Shity work company. I'm trying to bring media exposure to the situation to make the company back off.

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