
I’ve worked 7 miserable jobs in 4 years

Ok for context I'm 22F. Since graduating high school I've worked 7 horrible jobs. My first was bartending at a Mexican restaurant- made like no money bc the place was never busy enough, didn't make rent on time. NEXT. went to work at a nice restaurant as a waitress. Boom covid hit a few months in and I was no longer making rent. NEXT. I worked as a receptionist, and when I tell you my boss was rhe worst person I've ever met HOLY good God. He was very misogynistic, said some borderline illegal things to me, I had meetings with HR like 3 times and he had to get Anger management counseling Jesus christ. Plus I was barely making rent. NEXT. started working as an interior house painter. Loved it. I got paid 18$/hr, 40 hrs/week + overtime + benefits shit was nice. But then the boss man wasn't…

Ok for context I'm 22F. Since graduating high school I've worked 7 horrible jobs. My first was bartending at a Mexican restaurant- made like no money bc the place was never busy enough, didn't make rent on time. NEXT. went to work at a nice restaurant as a waitress. Boom covid hit a few months in and I was no longer making rent. NEXT. I worked as a receptionist, and when I tell you my boss was rhe worst person I've ever met HOLY good God. He was very misogynistic, said some borderline illegal things to me, I had meetings with HR like 3 times and he had to get Anger management counseling Jesus christ. Plus I was barely making rent. NEXT. started working as an interior house painter. Loved it. I got paid 18$/hr, 40 hrs/week + overtime + benefits shit was nice. But then the boss man wasn't paying my husband (who also worked there, he was higher up then Me) he refused to pay him for like a month of work. No idea why. Infuriated Me bc again it was illegal. NEXT i went into childcare. Hated it. The staff was shit and I didn't know what I was doing with 20 2 year Olds and the pay was shit.. NEXT, worked in a vet hospital in boarding. I was cleaning up dog shit and piss for 13$/hr, my coworkers were lazy as hell, the job sucked ass. Quit that shit too.

Now I'm 18w pregnant, trying to find a desk job lying like shit on my resume to find a job with benefits that pays enough for me to pay for bills.
(My resume only has me working as a receptionist with 2 years experience and 1 restaurant job).

Anyways it kinda sucks ass. I know I shouldn't have done that shit in the past but oh well I guess. I Hate jobs.

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