
Have you ever had a manager who never gave you good feedback?

I just realized that I always kind of plummet or work not well when I’ve never gotten good feed back. And I also kind of wonder what kind of manager isn’t able to give credit when it’s due. I’m still struggling with the loss of a job I had for 4 1/2 years, and although I could have done a lot of things better, handled things better. I never had my manager acknowledge when I did good. Like I had to pat myself on the back a lot, and also no one in my small team ever gave me a shot out directly. I’ve only gotten shout outs from other team members.

I just realized that I always kind of plummet or work not well when I’ve never gotten good feed back. And I also kind of wonder what kind of manager isn’t able to give credit when it’s due. I’m still struggling with the loss of a job I had for 4 1/2 years, and although I could have done a lot of things better, handled things better. I never had my manager acknowledge when I did good. Like I had to pat myself on the back a lot, and also no one in my small team ever gave me a shot out directly. I’ve only gotten shout outs from other team members.

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