
My ratings got discussed

So I joined a new team in 2021 june and my ratings were discussed by me leader where I accepted bad rating because I was new to the team and a leader only has a certain amount of good rating he can give. But yesterday the ratings for 2022 got discussed where after one year of hard work(way more extra initiatives were taken by me when compared to other team members and it was pretty visible in team meetings where we shared what we did extra) my ratings were still not good. The reason given to me by my leader this time was that since two new members joined in december 2022 and their ex team leaders wished them to get good ratings so my leader had to give those good ratings to these new guys from his own quota. How is that fair to me who worked his ass…

So I joined a new team in 2021 june and my ratings were discussed by me leader where I accepted bad rating because I was new to the team and a leader only has a certain amount of good rating he can give. But yesterday the ratings for 2022 got discussed where after one year of hard work(way more extra initiatives were taken by me when compared to other team members and it was pretty visible in team meetings where we shared what we did extra) my ratings were still not good. The reason given to me by my leader this time was that since two new members joined in december 2022 and their ex team leaders wished them to get good ratings so my leader had to give those good ratings to these new guys from his own quota. How is that fair to me who worked his ass off the whole year for good ratings since our increment and incentives depend on these stupid ratings !

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