
The following is a new text from my manager. Ma’am, if every pupil fails the exam, it isn’t the pupils’ fault. The only thing your little lecture prevents is discussions of how we solve the actual problem.

“…the standard and execution at the moment in regards to morning shift is well below standard. I need everyone to start pulling their weight across the store as myself and the rest of the management team can’t continue to pick up the excess slack as we have other duties to perform besides running load. All load must be finished by 10am at the latest – this is a non negotiable and is a compliance issue. Some of you are walking around as if your legs are made of concrete – I’m over it and I expect everyone to start having some semblance of urgency otherwise it’ll be an entirely separate conversation with myself and Hayden as to why you can’t perform to benchmark. To those that are performing; thank you. I understand that this may not sit well with some but quite frankly I don’t care – majority of you…

“…the standard and execution at the moment in regards to morning shift is well below standard. I need everyone to start pulling their weight across the store as myself and the rest of the management team can’t continue to pick up the excess slack as we have other duties to perform besides running load. All load must be finished by 10am at the latest – this is a non negotiable and is a compliance issue. Some of you are walking around as if your legs are made of concrete – I’m over it and I expect everyone to start having some semblance of urgency otherwise it’ll be an entirely separate conversation with myself and Hayden as to why you can’t perform to benchmark. To those that are performing; thank you. I understand that this may not sit well with some but quite frankly I don’t care – majority of you aren’t doing your fair share of the workload and it’s unfair to those that are. All managers (including RSM’s) have been informed and encouraged to discipline anyone that isn’t up to scratch during their shift.”

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