
Sudden shift Change.

Hi everyone I was hoping someone could give me some advice. I've been working for a shipping company in British Columbia, for about 7 years now. I recently got diagnosed with a rare disease, even rarer for someone as young as myself to get. It causes extreme nerve pain which has effected my ability to sleep. The doctor says it can be triggered by extreme stress. So I'm 100% sure my job caused it. Anyway I've been waiting the last 5 months to get in to see a neurologist and get a MRI, I'm a month away from my appointment and my manager came up to me and said they are changing my shift from 7am to 4AM. I do not drive and rely on transit to get to work. There are no busses or skytrains at 4am so I can't get to work. They're aware of this. When I…

Hi everyone I was hoping someone could give me some advice.
I've been working for a shipping company in British Columbia, for about 7 years now. I recently got diagnosed with a rare disease, even rarer for someone as young as myself to get. It causes extreme nerve pain which has effected my ability to sleep. The doctor says it can be triggered by extreme stress. So I'm 100% sure my job caused it. Anyway I've been waiting the last 5 months to get in to see a neurologist and get a MRI, I'm a month away from my appointment and my manager came up to me and said they are changing my shift from 7am to 4AM. I do not drive and rely on transit to get to work. There are no busses or skytrains at 4am so I can't get to work. They're aware of this. When I explained the situation to them they just told me to go get a bike. One of my coworkers even offered to drive me to work if I started at 5AM and management refused. They said 4AM is now my permanent shift. If I can't make it yo work, I lose my benefits and won't be able to go to the appointment I've been waiting so long for. Does anyone know what I can do in this situation. I feel completely hopeless. My hours have already been cut significantly and I'm barely surviving.

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