
Overqualified & miserable

I am overqualified for my job & miserable. Any advice? The job is easy. My boss is very easy going. There’s no tight deadlines. We can work at home some days & don’t face real penalties for being late to the office. I have great but expensive healthcare, ample vacation & sick time. However, the job is intended for high school graduates & pays as such. I have a bachelors degree. Everyone else with at least a bachelors degree earns 40,000$ more than me & has there own office. I am one of the lowest paid in the organization & just have a cubicle. I need more money, see below. My spouse is a first generation immigrant who mainly speaks Spanish, so it is hard for them to earn much. We have a 2 year old child. We live in an immediate suburb of one of the most expensive cities…

I am overqualified for my job & miserable. Any advice?

The job is easy. My boss is very easy going. There’s no tight deadlines. We can work at home some days & don’t face real penalties for being late to the office. I have great but expensive healthcare, ample vacation & sick time.

However, the job is intended for high school graduates & pays as such. I have a bachelors degree. Everyone else with at least a bachelors degree earns 40,000$ more than me & has there own office. I am one of the lowest paid in the organization & just have a cubicle. I need more money, see below.

My spouse is a first generation immigrant who mainly speaks Spanish, so it is hard for them to earn much. We have a 2 year old child. We live in an immediate suburb of one of the most expensive cities in the country. Think New York, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago.

My job is customer service. Lots of phone/emails to clients. Some financial tasks. I moved to the big city for this job, because at the job I had my good boss was being fired for something small & they were going to come after their entire team.

My resume has a lot of job hopping, short time on jobs because I left for more money. I have a bachelors in public policy & mostly have worked in admin roles with some finance duties for 10 years.

Do I enjoy the easy going job or trade comfort for cash by looking for a new job? How do I break out of admin roles & get something higher?

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